近在眼前Tous les trous sont permis (1980)
Alternate Titles: Sybil, tous les trous sont permis / Tutto per te ... Sybille
Quality: VHSRip
Year: 1980
Country: France
Genre: Group, Interracial, vintage erotica, classic xxx
Language: French
Cast: Cathy Stewart, Celine Gallone, Elisabeth Bure, Marie-Claude Moreau, Nadine Roussial, Guy Berardan, Guy Royer, Dominique Aveline, Piotr Stanislas
Description: Tous les trus sont permis begins with a strange phone call that female police officer, comissaire Valmont receives. She is told that mysterious Madame de Farnelle, the owner of a popular swingers club, is going to kidnap a girl just in front of her school. Unfortunately Valmont fails to prevent it. The very same night she visits the kidnapper's nightclub only to encounter an orgy with the participation of masked lovers and two seductive female figures in which we can recognise the beautiful bodies belonging to Cathy Stewart and Dominique Aveline. Valmont arrests the owner of the nightclub. Madame de Farnelle hurries to infotm Antoine, her son, to deliver the kidnapped girl to the man who had a "ordered" her. Willing to set his mother free Antoine kidnaps Sybil, Commissaire Valmont's own daughter, and proposes to exchange her for Mme de Farnelle, who have already succeeded to find a way out. Antoine unexpectedly falls in love with Sybil and is ready to sacrifice everything for her sake, including his own mother... Tous les trous is both intricate and romantic, somewhere in the middle of the two margins of pure innocent romantic love and passionate, promiscuous debauchery...
描述:莱斯trus sont permis近在眼前始于一个奇怪的电话,女警官,comissaire Valmont接收。她被告知神秘夫人de Farnelle,老板的一个受欢迎的全职浪子俱乐部,将绑架一个女孩就在她面前的学校。不幸的是Valmont未能阻止它。完全相同的晚上,她访问了绑架者的夜总会只遇到一个狂欢的参与下戴面具的情侣和两个诱人的女性形象,我们可以认识到美丽的身体属于凯茜·斯图尔特和多米尼克·艾夫琳。Valmont逮捕夜总会的老板。德Farnelle夫人赶到infotm安托万,她的儿子,交付绑架来的女孩儿的人有一个“命令”她。愿意把他的母亲自由安托万绑架女巫,Valmont Commissaire自己的女儿,并提出了交换她Farnelle Mme德,他已经成功找到出路。安托万出人意料地爱上了女巫和准备牺牲一切为了她的缘故,包括他自己的母亲……莱斯多孔既是错综复杂近在眼前,浪漫,坐落在美国中部的两个利润率的纯无辜的浪漫的爱情和激情,滥交的放荡……
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