
[法國/三級] 成人劇情片~克洛德夫人 2 (中文字幕) [AVI/1.06GB]


[法國/三級] 成人劇情片~克洛德夫人 2 (中文字幕) [AVI/1.06GB]

[法國/三級] 成人劇情片~克洛德夫人 2 (中文字幕) [AVI/1.06GB]

【影片片名】:成人劇情片~克洛德夫人 2 (中文字幕)
【影片又名】:Madame Claude 2 / 親密時刻2(1981)
【平均評價】:★★★★☆→ 4.5 顆星  
【影片大小】:1.06 GB  
【影片格式】: AVI   [DVD→轉制AVI]
【視頻尺寸】:720X540  [清晰版]
【影片演員】:Alexandra Stewart. Dirke Altevogt. Yanet Cuevas. Kim Harlow. Lena Karlsson. Isabelle Lacamp. Johanna Perkins. Beatrice Philippe. Lise Thoresen. Bernard Fresson. France Anglade. Gerard Herold. Jacques Ferriere. Bernard Tiphaine. Jean Turlier.  
【檔案數目】:1個AVI+12個圖片群  (種子內有圖)
【影片內容】:時裝.成人.劇情.女同.淫媒.浪漫.挑情.情色. 等.
【影片片商】:ACCORD PRODUCTIONS. 麗思影業公司.  
【畫質資料】:NTSC4:3 / Video Quality:2400 Kbps.
【內容附註】:※片內不加入自己ID, 亦不植入竊佔為己有的炫耀水印字語.
【影片附註】:※如欲再作原創發帖, 片內禁止另加論壇和個人水印之惡賤行為!!
【回覆附註】:※不喜此類型者請自律, 請勿回覆損人不利己的無聊言詞!!
【種子期限】:完30種後5天內不定期補種 (3週後刪檔)  

               《克洛德夫人2》故事:法國導演賈斯特·傑克金(Just Jaeckin)執導的名留SQ影史的另一部鉅片,前一部是《O娘的故事》。根據上個世紀六七十年代法國最臭名昭著的高級淫媒克洛德夫人的真實故事改編。克洛德夫人操縱著龐大的國際名妓的網絡,為世界各地有權優勢的大人物不同的性需求,提供高級滿足服務。從香港到巴黎,從倫敦到紐約,到巴哈馬及全球各國,只要價錢足夠高,無論如何為難反常,乖僻變態的需求,都能得到相當的性滿足。但在這怪異隱蔽的出賣魂肉世界中,即將大白於世的醜聞正默默產生,其中暗中蘊藏若干詭計陰謀……

      政府正在利用克洛德夫人旗下的女孩,為了簡化談判,政府決定刺殺夫人,一勞永逸,以杜絕若干高層社會醜聞擴散。克勞德保持鎮定冷靜,僥倖逃過暗殺死劫。經歷此次嘗試,她決定退休,並發送其最後的賣淫幽會女孩,以幫助其得到最終協議,賣身價值所得200萬美金。同時她的手下多位名妓都洗手從良。凡妮莎享受演奏與旅遊,謝利業成為國際巨星,卡琳成為未婚母親,埃倫娜繼續從事冒險生活,亞歷山德拉和富人結婚....., 而克洛德夫人則離開法國,移民去了美國......


    Allegedly based on actual events this international tale of erotica and intrigue tells the story of the Parisian Madame Claude who provides classy call girls for the wealthy and powerful. But her French brothel will take a sudden turn when one of her girls turns up dead in photographer David Evan s apartment. Madame Claude must find a way to prevent the destruction of her elite.

      User Reviews

A reporter finds that the government is using Madame Claude's girls to simplify negotiations. Government decides to assassinate Mme. Claude to keep the story quiet. Surviving the first attempt, she decides to retire, and sends her girls out on their last assignations, to help clinch the final deal, worth 2 million to her. Threadbare plot, with lots of holes - but it works nonetheless.
Most of the movie is vignettes of these beautiful women at their assignations - with some interleaved government underhandedness as a counterpoint. Some drama, but mostly erotica, handled with unusual sensuality.
This is an erotic flick you can share with the women - it'll appeal to them, too. Not quite soft-core porn, but decidedly erotica.
My major complaint is that most of the actresses either didn't work again, or worked in only a few other movies - they were well worth seeing again, if it were available.


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2012-3-30 14:58, 下载次数: 2978

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