影片名称 : 色慾迷墙 Man, Woman and The Wall (VCD) (香港版) $;`]7M
艺人名称 : 苍井空 Sora Aoi | 大野兴太 Keita Ohno l>t4y0rr
导 演 : 山本政志 Masashi Yamamoto CnvQc5 /o
发 音 : 日本语 qf$:82DZ
字 幕 : 英文, 繁体中文 ^( [^d+
影片格式 : DAT 7_? v-e
档案大小 : 840MB ;e)U$Vas%
片 长 : 84 分钟 b)=0.}Pm
电影级别 : III 2w" 1>ifzK
做种时间 : 3天 I0`*~)mx*f
验证全码 : 049a1c2d0d1ef449879102c2eb2980bfa47f19c8 &mUyi--X
出版日期 : 2008年03月14日 >JfzKqli7
发 行 : 寰宇镭射 (HK) uS5w2k')t
故事简介 @>B-E&
刚搬进来的阿凉偶然发现原来可以听到隔壁房间少女(苍井空)的声音,在好奇的驱使下,阿凉便开始了他一系列「偷听计划」,而这行为渐渐已变成他每天的习惯。 vTxK5:$
在每天的窃听下,阿凉可清晰听到少女在电话的对话,赤裸更衣时、沐浴时及与男友激烈性爱时的声音。而这种种声音却演变成一幕幕精采片段及带动着阿凉的澎湃慾念。更甚者是他经常幻想着与少女一起生活及与少女发生一次又一次激烈而疯狂的变态性爱行为,而时间日深更令阿凉不能控制自己。这度薄薄的墙正一步一步逐渐崩解… <n5y>PiwH
Ryou, who has just settled into his apartment, becomes intrigued with the noise of a female from the room next door. Because of curiosity, he earwigs his neighbor and which becomes his daily freak habit. The sound of phone call, changing clothes, showering, and sex brings Ryou to have the degenerate vision of the neighbor. Ryou somehow also imagine himself is living with, an dhaving violent and abnormal sex with her day by day. As Ryou becomes closer to Satsuki, this behavior graduslly starts to escalate. There is only a thin wall separates the offender and his victim, and the boundaries are going to trespass.... B-D$8X3
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